Three black bear cubs hanging together in the park's northern range. Take a look a their claws! They are perfectly adapted to climb trees. // Photo: Courtesy of Jim Futterer
Turns out most all babies need an afternoon nap, like this elk calf seen in Mammoth Hot Springs. // Photo: YF / Matt Ludin
These bighorn sheep aren’t quite living up to their name yet, but that doesn’t take away from the experience of spotting them in the wild. // Photo: YF / Matt Ludin
A bighorn sheep ewe will give birth to one to two lambs between May and June. This youngster was spotted on the top of Specimen Ridge. // Photo: YF / Matt Ludin
Baby osprey are called chicks. A successful osprey nest produces one to two young. Osprey are slightly smaller than bald eagles and can be easily identified by the dark streak on their white heads. // Photo: YF / Matt Ludin
Who doesn't love a Yellow-bellied marmot? Better yet, a baby Yellow-bellied marmot! // Photo: YF / Matt Ludin
This black bear cub is either contemplating climbing this tree or pushing it over. // Photo: Courtesy of Jim Futterer
Elk calf and young bull. // Photo: Courtesy of Jim Futterer
Elk calves and their mothers. // Photo: Courtesy of Jim Futterer
Photo: Courtesy of Jim Futterer
Baby fox are called pups or kits and are born between March and May each year. // Photo: NPS / Jim Peaco
A baby goose is called a gosling. They leave the nest at 1-2 days old and learn to fly at 2-3 months of age. Canada geese numbers are widespread in Yellowstone. // Photo: Neal Herbert
A baby owl is called an owlet. Great horned owlets are featured here. Though some are more rare than others, you can find 8 different owl species in Yellowstone. // Photo: NPS / Neal Herbert
A moose cow will give birth to one or two calves in May or June. The calves weigh 25-30 pounds at birth. Moose can live up to 20 years. // Photo: NPS / Jim Peaco
Pronghorn fawns are born in late May or June and weigh between 6 and 9 pounds. They are capable of outrunning a human in just a couple of days. // Photo: NPS / Neal Herbert
Grizzly bear sows give birth to one, two, sometimes three, and rarely four cubs in late January or early February while in their den. Grizzly cubs usually spend 2 ½ to 3 ½ years with their mother before heading out on their own.
Play fighting will become real tests of strength in a couple of years. // Photo: YF / Matt Ludin
Female wolves give birth to an average of 5 pups in April. Young emerge from the den at 10-14 days. The pack remains at the den for 3-10 weeks unless disturbed. // Photo: NPS / Dan Stahler