Other Ways to Give

Yellowstone is a national treasure that needs energy, ideas, and contributions from many different people to successfully enhance and preserve the park for future generations.

Join thousands of active Yellowstone Forever members worldwide who have made a commitment to preservation and education initiatives in Yellowstone.

Yellowstone Forever is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. As a Yellowstone Forever member, you will have additional opportunities to provide support throughout the year.

Become a Yellowstone Forever Member

As a Yellowstone Forever member with an annual gift of $35 or more, you will receive the following benefits as our way of thanking you for your commitment to preserving and enhancing Yellowstone for future generations.

  • 15% discount on merchandise at all Park Stores locations, including our online store, Yellowstone National Park Lodges gift shop and Yellowstone General Stores. Exclusions apply.
  • Discounts at over 400 participating public land stores across the country. For a list of participating organizations visit: www.publiclandsalliance.org
  • A library card for the Yellowstone Heritage and Research Center.

If you’d like to make a gift via the U.S. Postal Service, please click here for our mail-in donation form.

If you donated to Yellowstone Forever at one of our Park Stores located in and around the park, please click here for information about the tax-deductibility of your gift.

Join or Renew Your Support

Memorial and Honor Gifts

Express your care and condolences by memorializing a loved one with a gift to Yellowstone Forever.

Honor someone you admire or celebrate a special milestone such as a birthday or anniversary by making a tribute gift to Yellowstone Forever. Special recognition of your gift will be sent to the honoree.

For more information about honor and memorial gifts call 406-848-2400. If you’d like to make a gift via the U.S. Postal Service, please click here for our honor and memorial mail-in donation form.

Make an Honor or Memorial Gift

Old Faithful Society

The Old Faithful Society honors those who have given to Yellowstone Forever in their estate plans.

Secure your own family’s assets while ensuring the continuation of our work for Yellowstone National Park by making a planned gift to Yellowstone Forever. A planned gift is a simple and flexible way to meet your own estate and financial goals while providing an ongoing commitment to Yellowstone for generations to come.

For more information about gift & estate planning, please contact [email protected] or 406-848-2400 (ext.1).

Join the Old Faithful Society

Combined Federal Campaign

Federal employees can support Yellowstone Forever by taking advantage of the tax-deductible donations made through the Combined Federal Campaign philanthropy program that their workplace may offer.

Talk with your workplace to learn more about how to give through the CFC.

Yellowstone Forever’s CFC number is 67297.

Learn more about CFC giving

Donor Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is administered by a third party where your contribution can be invested and grow tax-free. DAFs allow you to give cash, stock and other assets in return for an immediate tax deduction when the contribution is made. You can grant specified amounts to the charities of your choice at a later time.

A Donor Advised Fund may be right for you if you:

  • Are looking for an easy, flexible, and low-cost method of giving.
  • Want to take advantage of a tax charitable deduction in the current year.
  • Want more time to decide which charities to support.
  • Choose to contribute in installments over time.
  • Want to contribute a wide range of assets including cash, mutual funds, publicly traded securities, private equity and hedge fund interests, real estate, or Bitcoin.
  • Want to contribute appreciated securities and take a full deduction without paying tax on the capital gains.
  • Want to leave a legacy gift by naming a nonprofit such as Yellowstone Forever as a charitable beneficiary of your DAF.

How it works:

  1. Establish your DAF by making an irrevocable, tax-deductible donation to a sponsoring organization such as Schwab Charitable, Fidelity Charitable, or Vanguard Charitable.
  2. Advise the investment allocation of the donated assets.
  3. Recommend grants to qualified charities such as Yellowstone Forever.

Gifts of Securities

Gifts of stock and other appreciated securities are an easy way to help Yellowstone while receiving a number of tax benefits.

Call us at 406-848-2400 to learn more.

Use your IRA or Retirement Account to support Yellowstone

If you are 70œ years old or older, consider making a meaningful contribution to Yellowstone Forever directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) while enjoying the benefit of not having to pay income taxes on the donated amount. This advantageous giving option is commonly known as an IRA Charitable Rollover or a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).

To make a gift through your IRA, please use the provided information below to refer to our organization:

Tax ID#/EIN: 47-5427975
Organization Name: Yellowstone Forever
Address: PO Box 1857, Bozeman, MT 59771-1857

Click the button below to download a sample letter for you to send to your plan administrator.

Should you have any questions regarding utilizing your IRA to support Yellowstone Forever, contact your IRA custodian, or reach out to our Philanthropy team at 406-848-2400 (option 1) or [email protected].

Download Sample Letter

More Ways to Give

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