Cultural Treasures
Yellowstone Forever supports projects that protect, preserve, research, or share information about Yellowstone’s human past and cultural resources.
Cultural Treasures PROJECTS
Heritage and Research Center
With the opening of the Heritage and Research Center (HRC) in 2005, the number of researchers using Yellowstone’s archives, library, and museum collections has more than doubled. Yellowstone Forever’s long-standing commitment to supporting these programs, through the former Yellowstone Association, has been critical to their success. Continued support of the HRC—specifically the Yellowstone Research Library—is crucial for ensuring that researchers are accommodated, the library is able to acquire new scholarly works on Yellowstone, and the current collection is properly preserved. This annual project allows for the funding of two full-time librarians to operate the library and serve the public. In addition, a portion of the funding covers new subscriptions, new books, supplies, bookbinding services, and professional development fees for the librarians.
Partners in Preservation: MSU and Stanford University Internships
The Partners in Preservation project, established in 2005, funds park housing for students from Montana State University and Stanford University to participate in a curatorial internship at the Yellowstone Heritage and Research Center (HRC). Each summer the museum program hosts an undergraduate student from each university to expose them to the museum field and national park museum operations. In turn, the students assist with backlog cataloging, creating temporary exhibits, and providing public outreach such as tours of the HRC. The curator serves as a mentor to these interns and helps introduce them to a curator career opportunity. The continuation of this project will fill a critical need by bringing aboard students who are eager to learn about museum operations, and who also, in turn, greatly assist the program.