
Mar 17

Public Comment Sought on Proposed Temporary Parking Area at Midway Geyser Basin

Yellowstone National Park seeks comments from the public on a proposal to construct a temporary gravel parking area near the Fairy Falls Trailhead at Midway Geyser Basin. In response to increased visitation, the lot would provide additional parking and help alleviate traffic congestion, safety concerns, and resource impacts.

The proposed parking area would be in a previously disturbed location near the current trailhead parking. The area could accommodate approximately 74 passenger vehicles.

Construction would begin as soon as conditions allow, with a target completion date of mid-summer. During construction, there would be minimal impact to the existing parking area.

In 2016, staff started to monitor and analyze parking and road performance throughout the park, in particular between West Yellowstone and Old Faithful. If the parking area is constructed, staff would collect additional data to understand how the temporary parking area affects the traffic corridor. If managers determine the parking area is unnecessary, staff will use a re-vegetation plan to return it to a natural condition.

Public comments will be collected until April 1, 2017 on the Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) website. If you are unable to submit your comments online, mail comments to: Fairy Falls Trailhead Temporary Parking Review, Attn: YCR, PO Box 168, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190. Envelopes must be postmarked by April 1, 2017.